Summary of 2017 in social media with the eyes of Newspoint

7 February 2018, Robert Sadowski

The beginning of the year is the period of all summaries. Some comment, others anticipate, and we dug in our Newspoint utility for media monitoring, petabytes of words, hundreds of terabytes of data and billions of documents. We warmed up all hard drives to red. We analyzed entries archived in 2017 on popular social media platforms and blogs.

It took a while, because we have some of it:


Facebook 2017: 1 643 838 675

Twitter 2017: 671 716 503

YouTube 2017: 367,908,582

Instagram 2017: 108 470 005

forums 2017: 72 708 368

blogs 2017: 2 635 355

Pinterest 2017: 1 442 198

Google+ 2017: 1 266 014

Vimeo 2017: 851 563

Disqus 2017: 411 137


We received very interesting results, which we share with you sooner. Remember, however, that the data comes only from public profiles and posts. Where people want privacy and share content only to their friends, we do not have access. Like in closed groups. Our robots collect what we all see.

We will show you the frequency of posting on the blog. What day of the week do we usually blog? In what hours do we publish our posts? Is it morning, noon or evening? Do we blog more and more often or not? What was this 2017 year for bloggers? What happened on particular social media platforms in such a framework?


Here are social media 2017 in a nutshell.




Most often, we blog at the beginning of the week, after returning home from work.

We start blogging from 7 am. The first peak comes at noon and the maximum of blog posts falls on evening hours from 18 to 21. We then blog very intensively until the 23rd. Bloggers’ activity is falling at night ?

Interestingly, the maximum blog entries fall on Mondays. And who does not like Mondays here? On the following days of the week, the number of entries decreases slightly. We rest at the weekend. The least fertile is Saturday and Sunday, which is not much better than Friday.

Throughout 2017, we discovered that during holidays and holidays, we are resting from blogging. Most posts are made in autumn and spring. Blogging is still in fashion. I wonder how it will be this year? We remind you that closes, WP – Many bloggers either move to the competition or set up platforms on their own domains. Or maybe they will quit writing? Time will tell how it will affect statistics. For now, blogs are sticking well and the number of posts is growing.




On Facebook, we write mostly on Thursdays at 21 o’clock.


Posting messages on Facebook is not often associated with such time-consuming preparation of entries as on blog platforms. Our activity increases from 5 in the morning and reaches a maximum of about 21 o’clock. It is an increase of over three times. Much higher than for bloggers.

Interestingly, Facebook activity is growing from Monday to Thursday. The least creative day is Saturday. On Sunday, we are more often than on Saturday.

Our data also confirms the growing trend of the number of users registering on this platform as well as using it. Facebook is still growing.

We also checked how the average range of posts looked like throughout 2017. This is important in the context of the changes announced recently (January 11, 2018) by Marek Zuckerberg about further cut organic ranges in NewsFeed. As it turns out, changes that cause falling organic ranges have been recorded since the middle of the year. At the turn of June and July ranges have been reduced by approximately 2.5 – 3.5 times. And then by the end of the year still a good dozen percent. This is demonstrated by the following monthly averaged coverage chart. This means the end of free advertising, with a large reach, on this platform.

We also calculated the average yearly number of likes on the post:



average number of likes on Facebook




On Instagram, we put the most photos on Wednesday evening.

The intensity of posting on Instagram increases strongly from 6 am and lasts until 10 o’clock. The next rises are around 15 o’clock, 19 o’clock until the peak at 21 o’clock.

We post the most posts on Wednesdays, and least on Saturdays. Once again, Saturday is the least productive. Sunday, however, does not give way much to the working days of the week.

In annual terms, the popularity of this platform can be seen quite strongly. The number of Instagram users in April 2017 exceeded 700 million. Sure, next data with 800 million are already waiting for publication. This Instagram is the driving force of social media and influencers. His power grows stronger than before Facebook. Instagram’s percentage increases are clearly higher. On this platform, more and more brands will focus on influencers.




On Twitter, the top of the post falls 22 hours on Sunday!


Twitter surprises. Not a working day and a day off work is most often used for posting. But in turn, Saturday is the worst. We start to twitt on Sunday and this intensity decreases over the next days. Regarding the hours of inserting twitts, the layout is similar to Instagram. We start from 6 am until reaching the maximum at 22 o’clock.

As for the annual approach, we did not notice major changes on Twitter. Neither increases nor falls. One is different from other platforms. Lower number of interactions. Twitter fans are less likely to like materials than anywhere else.



average number of likes on Twitter




This is the only platform where the top of publishing materials falls on Sunday and Saturday.

Preparing, describing and throwing a movie is a very time-consuming task. This can be seen in our statistics. We usually deal with this on weekends. And on Sunday and on Saturday.

A noticeable difference is in the posting hours. The maximum is shifted to earlier hours. 19 th and 20 th is the top for youtubers. As you can see, the shorter and less time-consuming entry, the statistic later we throw it in (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Movies and blogs require more sacrifices and are thrown in much earlier – this is the time shift that can be explained. We rest in the summer – everyone needs to rest. And creators and recipients.

Film materials generate a high level of engagement and greater coverage in the material being made available. The year mobile has been announced for many years, it is from several – time per year video. Enriching posts and posts with videos translates into more profits for influencers. Larger than in the case of the pictures themselves and much larger ones, dry text.


average number of likes on YouTube


Summary, or recipe for success

In conclusion, we would like to take a look at the compilation of our statistical data with the exact results of frequencies, measurements, analytics and trends related to blogging itself. We will support the results of a survey by the American agency Orbitmedia carried out in autumn 2017 on 1377 bloggers. Such information is very valuable. Probably similar results could be obtained in our market, only achieving so many answers seems very difficult.

The conclusions from the survey are as follows:

  • the time needed to prepare one entry increases: from 2h24 ‘in 2014 to almost 3.5 hours in 2017. Those who spent more time writing achieved better results. Longer posts with unique content translate into SEO, larger reach and higher earnings of bloggers;
  • the frequency of blogging is decreasing. He once blogged several times a week. Year 2017 is entries once a week or several entries a month. Not quantity and quality, but also regularity would be summarized. Not exactly. Only those bloggers who have posted very often (several times a day or every day) have recorded the best results;
  • we blog mainly from home (which was confirmed by our hourly reports) and less and less from an office or an internet cafe;
  • On average, we use 500 to 1000 words per entry and this number is growing over the years. We write longer and longer posts. The number of short and medium posts is decreasing, and the number of posts from 1000 or even 2000 words is increasing. The exact average was 1142 words. An increase from 808 words in 2014. The more content and the longer the entry, the better the results;
  • we use more and more graphic materials in the entries. At least one photo, video material (in social media more often than on blogs) and description using bullet points. The text itself goes away. The more pictures, charts, illustrations the better. The more video, the better. We still use very few audio and podcasts, and the results of the survey have shown that they (like video) bring the best results;
  • Does bloggers happen to blog guest on other blogs? Sometimes, but still very rare. This does not translate into higher results;
  • over half of bloggers update older entries. Those who do this get better results. Refreshing posts can be even more valuable than creating new content. Especially those not involving enough;
  • How are entries promoted? Own social media channels, SEO, mailings, influencer marketing dominate, and finally paid advertising, which recorded the highest percentage increase in recent years. Interestingly, the most effective method of promotion is cooperation with influencers and paid advertising;
  • How does this all translate into the earnings of bloggers? A lot, often, uniquely, graphics, video, audio, promotion, refreshing archives. This is a recipe for financial blog success in 2018. Thanks to this, the respondents achieved better and better results last year. That is what we wish you ?

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