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9. edition of the Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services report – a review of over 150 global social media monitoring websites
27 November 2018, Robert Sadowski
The Social Media Monitoring Reports and Services Report 2018, 9th Edition provides an accurate and objective review of new tools and technologies from around the world, used to efficiently manage social media channels and media monitoring, which facilitates the selection of these tools for implementation in specific business needs. Newspoint appeared in the Report as one of three companies from Poland and among 157 global brands.
The author of the report is the British consulting company Ideya Ltd providing services within the scope of business consulting. Since 2009, Ideya offers market research and consulting support for companies that are looking for solutions in the field of social media monitoring (SMM).
Social media create more and more opportunities for brand development and establishing relationships with the client, which is so important in today’s marketing and advertising. These media are an ideal place to build awareness and trust among future customers – they have become the main business tool for most brands. That is why it is so important to understand their mechanisms of operation, the way of management, monitoring and analysis, on the basis of which one can draw strategic conclusions. Social media as one of the main communication channels requires commitment, following trends and being up to date.
Here SSM tools and services come with the help – media monitoring tools and services that provide comprehensive assistance in developing your business in social media. One thing is for sure – there is not one perfect SMM tool that measures and directs all aspects of social media. Some of them offer analytical and reporting functions, while others propose programs that help in the operational management of social platforms. Appropriate application of SMM tools can create real value for companies, supporting each field of their business from understanding the needs and behaviors of consumers, through competition analysis, communication planning, and implementation of intelligent and engaging campaigns.

The purpose of the report is to make it easier for companies to make effective decisions regarding the use of social media monitoring for their business purposes, taking into account their specific needs, vision and budget in order to obtain long-term benefits. The report consists entirely of 1 302 pages and is payable. A free sample of the report is available at the following link: